What could the future of pharmacy look like?
Joining Apohem (formerly Hubia) in 2017 as their Art Director and UX Designer was a thrilling challenge, especially in the face of the competitive landscape within the online pharmacy industry. Our mission was not just to compete with established players like Kronans, Apoteket Hjärtat, and Lloyds, but also to prepare for the potential entry of Boots and Meds, all while navigating the government-funded Apoteket. The strategy we employed to take on these industry giants and differentiate our offering revolved around a multi-faceted approach:
At the heart of our strategy was the commitment to providing pharmaceutical services and innovation within a strict legal setting. We recognized that our target demographics expect convenience, simplicity, and speed. and there my role was pivotal in crafting a user-centric interface streamlining our target journeys.
To stand out in a soon-to-be crowded market, we focused on building a unique and compelling brand. This involved developing a brand identity that conveyed trust, reliability, and modernity. Together with Most Studios, we crafted a unique story and took aim to communicate our brand's commitment to health and well-being, setting us apart from the competition.
We invested in robust digital marketing and search engine optimization strategies to enhance our online visibility and reach our target audience effectively. My role as Art Director was to ensure that our marketing materials and website design were aligned with our brand and message – not a small feat when adding 10,000+ products all at once.
Excellent customer service was another key differentiator. We provided customers with multiple channels for support and assistance, creating a sense of trust and accessibility that set us apart from competitors. This focus has later resulted in winning multiple customer service awards.
Taking on these established, rumored and government-funded entities required a deep understanding of the online pharmacy landscape, a passionate team, and an unwavering commitment to our mission. I think we managed to position Apohem as a formidable player in the online pharmacy industry, contributing to a healthier world and reshaping how people access their pharmaceutical needs and think about recurring symptoms. Right before the coronavirus hit the news...
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